Hi! I'm Clar,

And I love to create beautiful and efficient websites for my customers. I'm interested in going through the entire process with the customer from concept, to sketch, layout and then development and launch

Freelance Web Developer

I keep studying and learning at CoderHouse

2019 - 2021
Freelance Web Developer

Working happily on my own web projects

Offered services

Web design and development is what i love to do. I've discovered that I can help startups and companies with the following services


Successful online projects start with good sketch. It establishes a solid foundation for future development and allows for long term growth


I can code my own designs or even use the customer's design as base. My focus is to generate clean code that's well structured for reliability


i can setup your project to use basic SEO principles which will push your project to the first page on search engines and save you ads money

Why Work With Me

I am very responsible with my work and love to invest the necessary time to understand the customer's problem very well


My favorite sketch tools are Figma and also work with Adobe Ligthroom and Photopea


I am familiar and work on a daily basis with HTML, CSS, JavaScript,React Js,q Bootstrap and other modern frameworks

alternative alternative alternative alternative alternative

Delivered projects

Listed below are some of the most representative projects I've worked on. They range from basic web design for presentation sites to advanced web development for online shops

For: Karma Gafas Project: Web Development Html||Css||Bootstrap

For: Florisbelo Apart Hotel Project: web design for their corporate websites and landing pages for marketing campaigns. Html||Css||Bootstrap

For:Heak Sweet Macaroons Project: Shopping cart . ReactJs || Javascript

Project: Playful piano keyboard Html||Css||Javascript
Project: Shopping Cart Html||Css||Javascript
Project: Instagram Card. Swiper Carousel Slider. Photos from API- use fecth- Like button change color. You can post a comment Html||Css||Javascript
Project: Clock Date Argentina Html||Css||Javascript

For: FrontEnd Mentor, Project: created a custom Qr. Html||Css

For: FrontEnd Mentor Project: Testimonials grid section. Html||Css


React Js || Coderhouse

Javascript || Coderhouse

Web Development || Coderhouse


Responsive Web Design || FreeCode Camp


Web Accessibility || Codigo Facilito

Frequent questions

The best way to reach me is through my email : cabralclara77@gmail.com
The best way to reach me is through my email : cabralclara77@gmail.com
The best way to reach me is through my email : cabralclara77@gmail.com
The best way to reach me is through my email : cabralclara77@gmail.com
The best way to reach me is through my email : cabralclara77@gmail.com

Contact details

For any type of online project please don't hesitate to get in touch with me. The fastest way is to send me your message using the following email : cabralclara77@gmail.com